 How Often Should You Check Your Credit Reports?

At a minimum, you should request your credit report from each of the three major reporting bureaus annually. If your credit reports contain erroneous information – it is better to discover it sooner – rather than later. You should check your credit reports for accuracy. Your credit reports contain information about your payment history, credit usage, account types, account ages and inquiries. You should know if your credit reports contain any erroneous information or activities and take immediate action to correct them.

It may be a sign of identity theft, if your credit reports contain names and/or social security numbers that do not belong to you. Federal law allows you to challenge and dispute inaccuracies that are reported on your credit reports. Credit Genie, LLC helps you identify the inaccuracies for faster resolution.

Your credit report provides a snapshot of your credit usage and management. Your credit report allows you to better understand your own spending habits. Your credit report is a summary of your total debt and credit accounts, and it can be used as your personal financial planning tool.

More importantly, you can make better financial decisions if you know what is in your credit report. You are more likely to qualify for favorable loan interest rates, if you have kept an eye on your credit. You should know what potential lenders see on your credit report before they decide to extend you credit or approve your loan. You can use a budget to help you control your finances. A budget helps you compare the money you make to the money you spend. Your credit reports are excellent resources to help manage your finances. At Credit Genie, LLC / CredittGeniee.com™, we can help you fix your credit, improve your credit scores, and achieve a higher lifestyle. Call us today for a FREE Credit Repair Consultation 1(844) 4-GENIEE – 1(844) 443-6433.